Bewoners in Bloei
Final Bachelor Project
How can residents of apartment buildings participate in the process towards a shared garden?
Date: Second semester 2023/2024
Expertise Areas: All, mainly User & Society and Business & Entrepreneurship
Green collective spaces could significantly enhance the well-being and community spirit among apartment residents, particularly in vulnerable neighbourhoods where such improvements are most needed. ‘Bewoners in bloei’ (Blossoming Residents) is a project designed to collect and visualize the diverse garden preferences of residents and find common desires.
This project, developed in collaboration with housing corporation ‘thuis, encourages residents to consider and map their colourful wishes for a collective green space. This simple and engaging method has been well-received by residents. The visualizations generated from residents’ input form an essential starting point in transforming barely used spaces into lively, green communal areas. These gardens, and the process, not only beautify the living environment but also promote social interaction, mental health, and a sense of ownership among residents. Additionally, transforming grey areas into green spaces benefits biodiversity and enhances climate resilience. By engaging the community in this creative process, ‘Bewoners in bloei’ aims to contribute to sustainable and inclusive urban development, fostering flourishing spaces that reflect the collective dreams of the residents.